Thursday, February 12, 2009

Guinguette Auvergnate

The Guinguette Auvergnate — located in Villeneuve Triage—is the perfect place to take visitors to Paris, who never fail to be charmed by its friendly relaxed atmosphere, the view of the Seine from its windows framed by potted geraniums and the unpretentious cooking from the Auvergne, the home region of the patron. If they are lucky, they will see their fellow-diners waltzing to the strains of the accordion, ‘just like a Renoir painting', as a friend once whispered to me. I have arrived as late as 3 pm and still been fed, as Sunday lunch here can last up to 5 pm.

La Guinguette Auvergnate est tel un navire à trois ponts mouillant devant la gare de Villeneuve-Triage à douze minutes en RER de la Gare de Lyon. Un petit paquebot en pierre et en bois où la Croisière s’amuse aux sons des bourrées rouergates, d’airs de Jazz, de country ou de rock, le long d’un des plus jolis coins de la Seine.

The Guinguette Auvergnate is smaller and less well-known than the ones on the River Marne and attracts a mainly local clientèle. The reason for its survival is probably the geographical isolation of this part of the town of Villeneuve-St-Georges, with the Seine on one side and the huge gare de triage, the largest in Europe, on the other. (A gare de triage is a railway station specialising in the redistribution of freight wagons.) They don't hold dances here every Sunday, but the convivial family atmosphere is truly part of the esprit guinguette. It is standard etiquette to nod and smile at fellow-diners, murmuring ‘Bonjour/Au revoir, messieurs et dames' as you arrive or leave.

Qui dit Guinguette, suppose une assiette sérieuse et honnête mais également une piste de danse et une musique qui rallie tous ceux qui aiment danser. Sur le premier point, l’ami Jean-Pierre, cuisinier de formation sait proposer des menus qui rapprochent l’estomac et le cœur.


Monsieur Dola said...

Je suis allé danser une fois dans une guinguette sur le bord de la Marne, à Champigny-sur-Marne. C'était le bal du 14 juillet et on a dansé sous les lampions, comme dans la chanson "Paname" de Leo Ferré.

April said...

I would love to visit!