Saturday, October 25, 2008

French Cuisine

Dinner & wine

"The French... have surrounded food with so much commentary, learning and connoisseurship as to clothe it in the vestments of civilization itself... Cooking is viewed as a major art form: innovations are celebrated and talked about as though they were phrases in the development of a style of painting or poetry... A meal at a truly great restaurant is a sort of theatre you can eat."
Richard Bernstein, The Fragile Glory

French cooking is about extremes. From haute cuisine to provincial cuisine. From subtle flavors to bold flavors. From complicated recipes to the most simplistic. And French food is pretty food. Even when the meal is simple, it is elegantly presented.


One of the greatest French treasures is undoubtedly their rich cuisine. French people try to find as many occasions as possible to spend time at the table, with their family and friends to enjoy the taste and flavor of good food and drinks.

La cuisine est une passion chez les Français et les organisent le rythme de la vie. Pendant la semaine, ils sont assez simples. En France, le dîner, pris vers huit heures du soir, est l'occasion de se retrouver en famille. Les repas de fêtes familiales ou amicales sont plus élaborés. Le repas de famille est un moment de convivalité.

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